"Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness." (Ps 115:1)

We are a congregation of the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia, a denomination which is part of the Presbyterian/Reformed family of churches world-wide.
As a denomination, we have existed in Australia since 1950. Our local church in Rivett was established in 1975.

We are a Christian church, not a sect. We're just ordinary people to whom God has shown his love.
You are most welcome to attend any of our worship services.
We are honest about what we believe and we strive to be a caring community.

Worship Services

10:30am - Sunday Morning Worship Service [LiveStream Also Available]
(9:30am - Good Friday, & Christmas Day - when not on a Sunday)
5:30pm - Sunday Evening Worship Service [LiveStream Also Available]